#ThisIsMyConfidence By: Julie Wicker #prepareusforLent By: Deborah Ard


#ThisIsMyConfidence  By: Julie Wicker

This blog post is living proof that keeping a prayer journal is so worth being able to look back at Gods goodness and bask in His glory!

On 1/2/17 I made a commitment to fervently pray for my husband, Hollie for 30 days, which in turn on 1/7/17 led me to make a commitment to God to fast desserts for 40 days. Why might you ask? Hollie had been trying to get a job with Georgetown County and was now scheduled for an interview on 1/11/17.

The job would have awesome benefits that would soon become the desires of our hearts; health insurance for our kids which would be a huge blessing since we received notice as of September 2017, they would no longer be covered. Hollie’s new office would be just 15 minutes from home, allowing him an extra 1.5 hours in his day to spend more time with his family and save money on gas. Currently Hollie only has Christmas Day as a paid holiday and with the county job he would have all the paid holidays. Being in Georgetown County would mean assistance with carpooling our kids to and from after school activities.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I would like to point out that Hollie has no experience in this newly desired position, however he does have years of commitment and has built wonderful relationships.  These relationships are ones that God has strategically placed in his life that gave him great references and could help place his resume in the right hands, at the right time. We are so grateful for the people that were willing to help Hollie “keep moving forward” to obtain the desires of his heart.

During this time of prayer, I have been studying one of my usual devotionals, First5 by Proverbs31 Ministries. On 1/28/17 the study dove into Joshua, where the walls of Jericho came down. You can find the story in Joshua 6. A supporting scripture spoke to me;

Hebrews 10:35-36 Do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded, you need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

One thought comes to mind: The Circle Maker by: Mark Batterson, in chapter 3 entitled “Jericho Miracle”. I needed to define my dream, claim the promise, and spell out my miracle so my walls of Jericho would come down. Mark asks a series of questions;

What is my Jericho? Bold Faith/Obedience

What promise am I standing on? Isaiah 55: 8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”, declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my thoughts than your thoughts.

What miracle am I marching around? Georgetown County Job

What is our dream? More quality family time, closer to home, and health insurance.

In my Pilgrimage Sunday School class we’ve recently been reading about Godwinks. We have learned through reading “When God Winks at You” by Squire Rushnell that to receive God winks you need to be open to receive them.

God had been winking at me to “Keep Moving Forward”. I felt the nudge to put feet to my faith by doing a prayer walk just as Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho. So on 2/5/17 the kids and I did a prayer walk around the Georgetown County offices off of Front Street. This prayer walk was simply a conversation sharing our hope for the future with the one that holds it all. With the mind set of “Keep Moving Forward’, later that afternoon Hollie and I utilized a benefit offered through Hollie’s current employer of creating a Living Will. This is a free service we have discussed doing but never made the time for it.

Not only do we need to be open to receive God winks, we also need to be obedient to God’s call to be the Godwink for someone else. I am so thankful for my friend Leigh and her obedience. One 2/9/17 Leigh sent me a Perry Noble sermon from #WorkYourWindow series at Elevation Church. He preached on Zechariah Chapter 3, titled “Clean Garments for the High Priest”. The High Priest happens to be Joshua. God’s got my attention now! The verse that winked at me;

Zechariah 3:7 If you walk in my ways & keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge over my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.

Perry Noble asks the question; “Are you feeling discouraged or defeated”? His response is;

THE ENEMY HAS NO HOLD ON YOU! THERE IS STILL TIME LEFT ON THE CLOCK! IF YOU’RE NOT DEAD, GODS NOT DONE! GOD STILL HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE! HE STILL HAS HOPE FOR YOUR LIFE! HE STILL HAS A FUTURE FOR YOUR LIFE! He encouraged me to work my window of hope, the same HOPE he wants to put in you! Again, I felt the nudge to “Keep Moving Forward”. That day God winked at me to buy ink so Hollie could print his resignation letter to have on standby for when he would get the job offer because there was still time left on the clock and God has a plan.

Hollie’s current employer offers a Health Savings Card to use for Medical, Dental, and Pharmacy. On 2/10/17 I started the process to get ahead with all our prescriptions. Knowing this may deplete the health savings card, I had the God confidence Hollie would get the job.

On 2/12/17 God winked again, Leigh introduced me to a song called “Do It Again” by Elevation Worship,

here is how it goes;

Walking around these

walls, I thought by now they’d fall but you have never failed me yet.

Waiting for change to come, knowing the battle’s won. For you have never failed me yet.

 Your promise still stands, great is your faithfulness!

I’m still in your hands, THIS IS MY CONFIDENCE! You’ve never failed me yet.

I know the night won’t last, your word will come to pass. My heart will sing your praise again.

Jesus your still enough, keep me within your love, my heart will sing your praise again.

I’ve seen you move, you move the mountains.

And I believe I’ll see you do it again.

You made a way where there was no way

And I believe I’ll see you do it again.

This song is about our Jerichos! Meanwhile, Leigh did not know all the details and how this song would be another piece to my puzzle. I’m so thankful God orchestrated that Godwink, that Leigh was obedient to deliver it, and that I was open to receive it all in God’s perfect timing.

On day 39 of my fast, Valentine’s day, I was feeling confident. We celebrated over candlelight and sparkling juice with a taco dinner for a party of four and thanked God for the great plans he has in store for our family.

When I opened my First5 devotional on DAY 40, there was the scripture I had been standing on and circling for the last 40 days, Isaiah 55: 8-9. Wow Go GOD!! Can I just pause and shout from the mountain top that God is Amazing! No dream is too big. No prayer is too small.

On this same day, day 40 at 5:30pm Hollie got the call he had long been waiting for. He was promised the Job with Georgetown county, but not the job he interviewed for. The original position Hollie interviewed had been filled. A second opening became available. Rev 3:7 “When I open a door, no one can close it. And when I close a door, no one can open it. Listen to what I say.” I shouldn’t have been shocked that God answered our prayers on day 40, but somehow, I was stunned. I had been praying with Bold Confidence!

That same night Hollie received the call, he bowled a 300 game which he has done many times before. This night seemed a little different to him. Hollie had experienced a renewing of his hope and strength. He now beams with a Godly confidence that only He can provide.

Meanwhile Hollie and I patiently wait for the next step, which ended up being a second and final interview. We all need to remember to pray when we are in a place of waiting. Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

On the first day of lent, 3/1/17 Hollie had his final interview and got the job. God makes me laugh sometimes. It’s just like Him to show off. My prayer through writing this blog post, has been that my words will inspire someone to fast during lent, to pray and draw close to Him, and be encouraged to share their story. Being sure to give God all the Glory along the way.  Soli Deo Gloria, to glorify God alone!!

What is your Jericho? And what promise are you circling? What miracle are you marching around? What is your dream? Whether you have these answers or you still have questions I encourage you to fast over this season of lent. Be open to receive Godwinks! Be open to give Godwinks! Be ready for God to move in your life!

I initially wrote this blog post on 2/18/17, when I put my pen down and opened my Pandora radio God gave me this song, “I Can’t Believe” by Elevation Worship.  I’m so thankful God chose someone like me to declare his praises for the Glory of His name.

#prepareusforLent    By: Deborah Ard

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your grace and mercy.  Thank you for the blessings you so freely pour on us each day.  And thank you for the winks you send our way.  Lord we pray for our eyes, ears, and heart to be open to your moment to moment presence in our lives.  May we be aware of all the ways you love and reassure us.  And may we allow you to use us to be a God wink for others.

As we begin the season of Lent, please lay on our hearts your desire for each of us.  May we listen to your guidance and direction in the ways you would have us prepare for the celebration of Easter.  Burden us with a desire to fast anything that may be a distraction from you.

Lord, may we spend the season of Lent circling our Jerichos, seeking God winks, and expecting miracles as we stand on your promises.  We ask this all in the name of Jesus Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice for each of us. Amen


I Believe By: Elevation Worship



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