Monthly Archives: June 2022

#thankfulthursday #lookwhatyouvedone #waterwalkinggirls

#thankfulthursday #lookwhatyouvedone #waterwalkinggirls
Photo by Ray White

Monday I encouraged you to commit your works to God and allow Your Maker to help you focus or straighten your goal. Tuesday I reminded you to “keep moving forward” and not let the grass die below your feet. Yesterday I shared some perspectives about your mission field. Today, on Thankful Thursday, I want you to take time to revel in all God has done for you. Please allow me to guide you through a time of reflection and praise.

1) Stop now and read all of Psalm 66.

2) Spend some time reflecting on God’s love, mercy and grace. Make note of the hand of God working in your life. Journal or jot down a list for you to visually see God’s presence in your life.

3) Give God praise and thanksgiving. Have a time of worship. Click here to listen to “Look What You’ve Done” by Tasha Layton. Give God all your honor and praise for all that has been done on your behalf.

As you finish this short time of reflection and praise, carry the visual of this beautiful picture captured by Ray White of crosses in your mind with you and let the chorus of today’s song play in your mind…

On a cross, in a grave with a stone rolled away, all my debt it was paid. Look what you’ve done.

May today truly be a Thankful Thursday.

#waterwalkingwednesday #onepersonatatime #waterwalkinggirls

#waterwalkingwednesday #onepersonatatime #waterwalkinggirls

Last Wednesday Julie shared thoughts from a recent sermon given by our pastor, Charles Wilbanks. The title of the sermon was “For the Transformation of the World.” Pastor Charles reminded us that our mission as a church is to “make disciples for the transformation of the world.”

Your first reaction to that statement may be wow, what a overwhelming and daunting task! However, Pastor Charles reminded us we can transform the world, one person at a time.

In Matthew, when Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, He charged them when the Great Commission:

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:18-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As Christians and disciples of Christ, you and I are also charged with the same Great Commission. Looking out at the vast world, our charge is hefty, but not impossible. When we normally refer to someone as a missionary, we automatically think of someone who is serving across the world. Not everyone is called to travel far and wide to make disciples. Your mission field may not be overseas. Your mission field may be the field you cross every day!

In the same sermon preached by Charles Wilbanks, he asked “How do you live out the Good News?” On this Water Walking Wednesday, I ask you the same question. How are you living out the Good News? How are you sharing Jesus with those you come in contact with daily? Are you sharing with those around you all Christ has done for you?

On this Water Walking Wednesday, take some time to intentionally reflect on what Christ has done for you. Look not only for the big, obvious blessings, but also the small blessings. Look for those times Jesus was a Way Maker, making a way in impossible situations. Look for God winks and confirmations that God has sent your way. Look for miracles that have occurred in and for you. Make a list so the presence of God in your life is fresh on your mind. Then step out into the world today and walk on water. Be ready to share with someone in the field you cross some of the things Christ has done for you. Pastor Charles said, “By doing so, we can transform the world, one person at a time!”

Photo by Ray White

#tranformationtipstuesday #keepmovingforward #waterwalkinggirls

#tranformationtipstuesday #keepmovingforward #waterwalkinggirls

Last week our family traveled to the upstate for my son to participate in a travel baseball tournament. He is expected to arrive at the field an hour before the game. During that hour I usually seek out a place to walk and pray before the game. Friday we played at a high school and behind the bleachers of the baseball field was the football practice field which was a great place for me to walk.

I made several laps before my attention was drawn to several places that had spots of dead grass. It was obvious that the grass had withered and died due to an object sitting on it for too long. God reminded me of the importance of moving.

On this Transformation Tips Tuesday let’s remember to continue to move so we can continue to grow. Julie and I often share part of a Walt Disney quote, “Keep moving forward.” Below is the entire quote.

“Around here we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney

As a Christian, are you growing? Are you moving forward and opening new doors? Are you striving each day to become more like Christ? That is our goal. We are to learn from mistakes, keep moving forward, and change as we grow more like Christ. What are some ways to grow as a Christian?

1) Create a daily routine/habit of spending time with God. During this time read the Bible and devotions. Pray. Be still and quiet as you listen to God.

2) Memorize scripture. During your devotion time, journal or write down quotes and scripture that stand out to you. Place your favorite ones on sticky notes or index cards so you can refer back to them throughout your day. Memorize scriptures that give you strength and comfort.

3) Read spiritual growth books. Check with your pastor, ask a Christian friend or even do a Google search on possible Christian growth and development topics/books.

4) Participate in a Sunday School class or Bible study. Sharing in a study with fellow Christians will not only help you but you can also help others grow. We all have different experiences and by sharing our Christian walk we can grow together.

5) Create the habit of attending weekly worship services. Worshipping with other believers will help you learn and grow. Joining in song will give you encouragement and hope. The sermon will give you new insights and direction.

This Transformation Tips Tuesday, examine your Christian growth. Most of all, keep moving forward! Don’t just sit still and do nothing. By sitting still the grass will die under your feet and you will become stagnant. Instead, move, grow, and become more like Christ.

#mindsetmonday #straightenthegoal #waterwalkinggirls

#mindsetmonday #straightenthegoal #waterwalkinggirls

Monday mornings can be hard. After a fun filled or relaxing weekend, Mondays can be hard to roll out of bed and get moving for our week. Whether you are working, retired, in school, or working in your home, you have a goal. Take a few minutes to think about your goal or goals.

Have you been caught up in the hustle and bustle of life so much that your goal has become off center? Has your goal become crooked?

Often we need to re-focus on “the big picture” or goal we are working towards. How do we straighten our goal? We must take the time to be intentional about our focus. Here are some steps I find helpful.

1) Pray: Re-focus by spending some time in prayer. Ask God to guide and direct you. Clarify your focus and commit your goal to God.

2) Write down your goal: Putting your goal in writing helps you see in black and white what you are working towards. If you write your goal in a place you see often, you will be reminded of your goal and feel more accountable.

3) List steps or smaller goals to help you achieve your goal. Most big goals are accomplished through many smaller goals. List the smaller goals that will need to be met to reach your bigger goal.

4) Find a Scripture or phrase that is motivating. If you don’t already have a Scripture that helps to keep you focused and motivates you, do a Google search for scriptures that pertain to your goal. Write down the one scripture that resonates with you and place it in a prominent place.

5) Commit your work to the Lord. Whatever the goal is, commit your steps, your work, and the goal to God.

As you start this Mindset Monday, allow God to help you straighten your goal. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in the steps ahead and give God the glory as you move closer to the goal line with each step.

#spiritualsunday #rootedinchrist #waterwalkinggirls

#spiritualsunday #rootedinchrist #waterwalkinggirls
Photo by Ray White

Look at the large tree root in this image captured by Ray White. Look at all the life around the root. Not only is the tree living and standing strong but also moss and ferns are growing on and around the root.

On this Spiritual Sunday, let’s examine our spiritual roots. The dictionary defines root as “the part of the plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers”.

This morning I ask, where and to who is your root attached? What has you grounded? What holds you down? Does your root system convey life giving water and nourishment to you? The Bible tells us where and to whom we should be rooted.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

On this Spiritual Sunday, examine your roots. Are you grounded in your faith in Jesus? Are you allowing Jesus to nourish, establish and strengthen you? Spend time in worship today “overflowing with thankfulness” to Jesus Christ for His love, strength, guidance and support.

#finishfriday #hallelujah #unconditional

#finishfriday #hallelujah #unconditional

I went for a walk after dinner last night. I enjoyed listening to music and watching the sun set. I stumbled across a song called Unconditional by Austin Ludwig. When I saw the title my mind automatically thought it would be about God’s unconditional love for us. In 1 Cor 13:7 NIV; “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” To my surprise it is about our unconditional hallelujah no matter what we are facing. Some of the lyrics sing;

“In the storm or the calm, I’ll sing hallelujah. Cause the way that I feel doesn’t change who you are. So HALLELUJAH UNCONDITIONAL”.

It is our earthly nature to question God on what we see. It is easy to let our hallelujah grow weary. On this Finish Friday I encourage us to keep the faith. Let’s hold on to the love that is unconditional and everlasting. We are blessed with hope when what we see or feel doesn’t make sense. So let’s hallelujah through our day!

Click Here to worship with this beautiful song.

#thankfulthursday #helistens #hecares #hesatisfies #herenews

#thankfulthursday #helistens #hecares #hesatisfies #herenews

One day last week, Psalm 103:2NIV was the verse of the day in my Bible app; “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”. What are the benefits we have with God? I encourage you to read all of Psalm 103 to find the answer.

On this Thankful Thursday morning I will focus on how God satisfies our desires with good things. In Psalm 103:5NIV we read; “who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” The message version reads how He wraps us in goodness – eternal beauty.

Just like He satisfies the birds, he will satisfy us. Often we to turn to the world to satisfy our needs first which can quickly make us grow weary. Let’s not forget the benefit of being a child of God. We can turn to God every day with praise on our lips and requests on our hearts. He listens. He cares. He satisfies. He renews.

I challenge us all today. When we see a bird, take a moment to thank God and give him praise for all His benefits.

Photo by Ray White

#waterwalkingwednesday #missionfield

#waterwalkingwednesday #missionfield

In Sunday’s sermon message, our Pastor said; we don’t have to reach thousands to be involved in missions. What is our interpretation of missions? Leaving everything behind and going to another country? No, missions is simply an important assignment carried out that may involve travel and crossing boundaries.

Our Pastor reminded us of this sign that we see when leaving our church parking lot (traveling, crossing boundaries), which says; you are now entering the mission field. In John 17:18 NIV, Jesus said; “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” As Christian’s our mission in the world can be our job, a neighbor, or even a stranger at the grocery store.

It is also important to remember that our mission isn’t always going to be the cleanest or the prettiest task. We may not need to travel far but we certainly may need to travel outside the boundaries of our comfort zone. Jesus also said in Matthew 25:40 NIV, ““The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

On this Water Walking Wednesday I encourage us all to keep our eyes open for a mission we can do today. I am sure we will all cross at least one boundary. If we are stationary that may be a phone call. If we are physically able, that may be an encounter by making a trip to the grocery store. You will be amazed at the small missions we can do everyday.

#transformationtipstuesday #livefortoday

#transformationtipstuesday #livefortoday

As we are fast approaching half way through 2022, I have been revisiting my Word of the year. This year I actually have a word, mantra, and prayer. My mantra, Live For Today has been a great reminder on this Transformation Tips Tuesday. If we don’t surrender today, tomorrow will hold us in chains. If we don’t surrender our best laid plans, our control may become out of control.

I recently saw a picture on Facebook that read, “Forgive me for picking back up what I’ve already laid down at your feet”. How often do we do that? We say I surrender but it still consumes our thoughts which then snowballs into our productivity. How productive can we be if we keep picking things back up?

Like this verse from Romana 15:13 NIV, I pray that God floods our minds with joy and peace as we choose to live for today! “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Click here for My Word of the Year blog